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Le Pen Afd

Le Pen Cuts Ties With German Far-Right Ally AfD

Break Follows Revisionist Comments by AfD's Top Candidate

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen announced her party will end cooperation with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the next European Parliament.

The move comes after AfD's lead candidate for the election, Jörg Meuthen, made controversial comments downplaying the Holocaust. Le Pen condemned Meuthen's remarks, saying they were "unacceptable and contrary to our values." The split between Le Pen's party, the National Rally, and the AfD is a significant setback for the far-right in Europe. The two parties have been allies for years, and their cooperation has helped to legitimize the far-right on both sides of the border.

Le Pen's decision is a sign that she is willing to distance herself from the most extreme elements of the far-right. It is also a reflection of her growing confidence as she seeks to broaden her appeal and become a more mainstream politician. The break with the AfD could help Le Pen to gain votes from moderate and centrist voters who have been alienated by the AfD's extreme views.

Le Pen's announcement was met with mixed reactions. Some far-right leaders expressed disappointment, while others praised her for taking a stand against extremism. It remains to be seen whether the split between Le Pen and the AfD will have a lasting impact on the far-right movement in Europe. However, it is a significant development that could have implications for the future of far-right politics in France and Germany.
